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what are the advantages and functions of multilayer printed
Time:2013-12-19   Number:1048

The assembly of high density, small size, light weight due to the high mounting density and reduce the connection assembly (including components) between, thereby improving the reliability;
Wiring layers can be increased, thereby increasing design flexibility;
Circuits can be constructed with a certain impedance; may form the high-speed transmission circuit;
Can form a high-speed transmission circuit;
Settable circuit, magnetic shielding, thermal layer metal core can be set to meet the shielding, thermal, and other special features require;
Simple installation, high reliability;
High cost; long period;Detection methods require high reliability.
Multi-layer printed circuit is the product of electronic technology to high-speed, multi-function, high-capacity, small size direction of development.With the continuous development of electronic technology,Especially the extensive application of large-scale and ultra large scale integrated circuits,Multi-layer printed circuit rapidly to high-density, high-precision, high number of direction, appeared fine lines, small aperture through, blind hole buried vias, high aperture ratio and other technologies thickness to meet the needs of the market.


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